Saturday, April 15, 2006

Learn from Children

We adults can learn a lot from children if we take the time. We can watch them enjoy the present moment without regret of past or fear of future.

Today Hannah enjoyed just sitting on the beach as the cold sea lapped around her legs. She enjoyed touching the sand and watching the water.

Can you take great pleasure from something so simple? I hope you can :) Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Rue St. Michel said...

Esteemed Gavin:
Cool runnings! Greetings from the American Midwest.

I appreciate the thoughtful reply you left at my blog. I'm doubly impressed that you actually signed in with your blog identity. Many leftist twits just post their drivel anonymously and leave. So you are obviously someone of strong character and a good guy.

As I wrote in my original post, I have no way of knowing that Baghdad Burning is not actually written by an Iraqi woman living in Baghdad. It just has the appearances of being illegitimate. I can offer no evidence except to point out that there are no positive stories about Allied Forces occupation (And come on! There's got to be some good things US troops are doing over there), and her writing style suggests a journalism background. She is an articulate and well versed writer of American and Britsh english. Additionally, she seems to have a definite axe to grind (a clear anti-american agenda).

I wanted to point out that in the past, some writers passed themselves off as something or someone else because they knew there'd be an audience for their faux views. It would not surprise me in the least to learn that that blog is being written by someone currently living in Manhattan, NY. My post was just me thinking out loud about her Baghdad burning blog. Nothing more, nothing less.

I wish you the best, and hope you'll come visit my blog again.


ps. I found the story of your OBE's very interesting. Maybe you could elaborate on the actual ins/outs of your mediation methods (what you visualize, diet, breathing, placement...etc.)
