Sunday, April 09, 2006

Heydon Chapel

Sunday April 9th, 2006

Most Churches and places of worship have a good feel and energy to them. I usually enjoy visiting these places even though I am not religious and do not attend Church services.

One of my favourite places of worship is the Heydon Chapel, I went there yesterday to take some photos getting several paybacks for a single trip (use my new D200 camera, visit Heydon park, afterwards spend a few minutes meditating inside the Chapel.

Here are some of the photos that I took, I hope they reflect the special character of the Chapel.


This shows the front entrance to the Chapel, as you can see the building is small and can only accomodate about 12–15 people at a time. The construction is traditional Bermuda style, a 200 year old hurriance proof design.

cross wall

This is the side wall, note the small window and strong wall design. Bermuda buildings are designed to keep the inside cool in summer and warmer in winter.


Inside there is a small alter that is well maintained and always trimmed with local plants and flowers. The bible is always open and the whole setup makes everyone feel welcome to this special place.


There are four rows of pews. It is here in the third row that I spent 10 minuted or so in silence. The energy of the Chapel makes it very easy for one the quiet the mind and experience deep peace. In fact the experience was so good that I intend to frequent the Chapel more often.

I think it is important for us to have special places. Places where we can be quiet and find time to contemplate and meditate in silence. It is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that we can literally spend days/weeks/years reacting to lifes events without ever contemplating who we are and where we are going and why we are going there.


I hope you enjoyed my pictures of Heydon Chapel and if you are ever in Bermuda make sure to visit this Trust Estate.

Till next time.

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