Monday, January 03, 2005

First Entry

Well this is my first go at Blog. Always wanted an online journal for my own purposes. If anybody else happens to read this and find it interesting - all the better. The pimary goal is to create a record of my thought for future reference.

I choose Avatar-Journey as I happen to study belief systems and this is a big part of my (any everyone's life), this will be discussed in more detail as time goes by.

I am 37, live in Bermuda as an Enlish expatriate worker, married to Katrina (also English 34) and we have 2 kids (Jake 3.5) and Hannah (3 months). I also have two kids from my first marriage (Jasmin 13) and (Hayley 11).

I work as a salesman in a computer technology company that I used to own. I feep fit although right now I have a nasty ongoing injury. I can run but I love to play squash and I intend to start playing again this month after a 7 month lay off.

Other interests include - reading all types - meditating - playing online poker (loser) - currently learning Linux (not easy for a salesman) and Asterisk - working on belief systems - I am a Reiki Master - cooking - etc.

Looking forward to creating this journal and hopefully to interacting with interesting people as time goes by.

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